The Healing Power of Touch
How can design harness the healing power of touch and promote physical contact between patients, loved ones, and caregivers?
Nature Prescription
Scientists have measured many psychological and physiological health benefits associated with spending time in nature, confirming what we have intuitively known for so long. Ironically, this evidence is emerging at a time when we are more disconnected from nature than ever before.
Art programs surprise and delight the senses, often resonating deeply with patients and families coping with the stress of illness and injury. This white paper explores the type of art that is most conducive to healing and how art programs can elevate patient experience ratings.
The Application of Color in
Healthcare Settings
Color is an important component of a designer’s tool kit, and its careful application contributes greatly to the experience of space. Learn more about applying color to healing spaces in this paper co-authored by Sheila J. Bosch, Rosalyn Cama, Eve Edelstein and Jain Malkin. Published by the Center for Health Design.
Our country has a weight problem and recent studies project escalating obesity rates and associated healthcare costs over the next fifteen years. How can hospitals become agents of change?
Patient Experience
The Healthcare Industry has drastically changed its practices to appeal to the current Experience Economy - learn the reasoning behind this shift, what has changed and what still needs improvement. Includes Case Studies.